Our full Art Trail is back to our traditional May/June slot, and we are delighted to complement the Steyning Festival programme. The trail map and brochure will delivered to your home if you live in Steyning. It is also available in the current edition of Your Steyning and there are spares at our Trail hub, The Steyning Museum, if you need another. You can also find a printable version here on our website.

Our first Art Trail weekend is at the end of the month Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th May, we have 20 venues lined up for you and so start planning your route taking into account all the activities in Steyning over the two weekends, it’s going to be such a good year.

Last year we found visitors coming from far afield planning two routes over two weekends, what a good idea to come back for more! So, remember the final weekend Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th June.

We have our usual eclectic mix of quirky houses, hidden gardens and High Street shops lined up for you and in addition we have some larger venues at St Andrew’s Church Cottage, Steyning Athletics Club, St Nicholas Church and for the first time this year Beeding Hub.

We invite you to visit our venues across Steyning, Ashurst, Bramber and Upper Beeding. Regular and new artists really look forward to seeing you and we know their pent-up creativity has been unleashed for your enjoyment. We have some suggestions on how you can remind yourself of some of the fantastic art that is waiting for you to enjoy.

Talent spotting via social media

For those of you on Instagram and Facebook, we’ve been working hard to promote our trail and artists.  Following @steyningarts on Instagram, and liking our Facebook page, is encouraged.  Both feature regular posts of new work by Steyning Arts members.  And of course, you can follow your favourites direct.

Our venues are open from 11am – 5pm unless otherwise stated in the brochure and of course High Street venues, Steyning Museum and St Nicholas Church are open during the week. Quite a few venues have refreshments and demonstrations this year. See the brochure for more details.

Amanda Duke






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